Report of I.D. Remizov at the seminar on the theory of operators under the guidance of A.A. Shkalikov at Moscow State University.
On November 29, 2019, Ivan Remizov gave a talk titled "Non-spectral approximation methods for C0 semigroups and the rate of convergence in Chernoff's theorem" at the Moscow State University at the seminar on operator theory led by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Shkalikov.

The talk at the seminar of Moscow State University
Ivan Remizov made a talk at the seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Seminar “Topological Methods in Dynamics”
On October 1, as part of the regular scientific seminar “Topological Methods in Dynamics”, a lecture by A. Pikovsky will be held on the topic “Strange non-chaotic attractors”. Time and place: from 15:30 to 17:00 in 314 (st. B. Pecherskaya, 25/12).

Another session of the Nizhny Novgorod Mathematical Society has occured
On September 26, N. N. Shamarov's talk “Infinite-dimensional pseudo-differential operators for the second quantization method” has been presented.

Lecture course on bifurcation theory
An intensive course of lectures by Professor Dmitry Turaev in English was held on the Nizhny Novgorod campus.
Plenary talk at the international scientific conference
Ivan Remizov made a plenary talk at the conference "Infinite-dimensional analysis and mathematical physics”

Conference with a holiday atmosphere
During these New Year holidays the first conference on «Topological methods in dynamics and related topics» was held on the territory of the Higher School of Economics. It was organized by the Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
Best Lecturers of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics in 2018
Professor Pochinka O. and Associated Professor Medvedev T.