Report of I.D. Remizov at the seminar on the theory of operators under the guidance of A.A. Shkalikov at Moscow State University.
On November 29, 2019, Ivan Remizov gave a talk titled "Non-spectral approximation methods for C0 semigroups and the rate of convergence in Chernoff's theorem" at the Moscow State University at the seminar on operator theory led by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Shkalikov.
The talk at the seminar of Moscow State University
Ivan Remizov made a talk at the seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
The talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzuki
At the laboratory of topological methods in dynamics, on October 17, the talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzucchi were successfully held.
Another session of the Nizhny Novgorod Mathematical Society has occured
On September 26, N. N. Shamarov's talk “Infinite-dimensional pseudo-differential operators for the second quantization method” has been presented.
XXX Crimean autumn mathematical workshop
From September 17 to 29, 2019, the staff of the Laboratory of Topological Methods in dynamics took part in the jubilee XXX Crimean autumn mathematical workshop.
Laboratory team won a grant
Olga Vitalievna Pochinka, Head of the Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics, together with her team won the Leader grant from the BASIS Foundation
Lecture course on bifurcation theory
An intensive course of lectures by Professor Dmitry Turaev in English was held on the Nizhny Novgorod campus.
Dubrovnik IX - Topology & Dynamical Systems
The staff of the International Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics and the Department of Fundamental Mathematics Olga Pochinka, Elena Yakovlevna Gurevich and Vladislav Evgenievich Kruglov took part in the International Conference «Dubrovnik IX - Topology and Dynamical Systems» on June 24-28
Mini-course on Geophisics
The second week of April at the Department of Fundamental Mathematics for students EP "Mathematics" was associated with effective work, and not only because of the usual schedule.
Plenary talk at the international scientific conference
Ivan Remizov made a plenary talk at the conference "Infinite-dimensional analysis and mathematical physics”