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Panos Pardalos will make a plenary talk on the International Conference: AMMCS-2013 in Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)

Panos Pardalos will make a plenary talk on the International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science AMMCS-2013 which takes place in Waterloo (Ontario, Canada) 26-30 August 2013.

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk on the conference EUROmC-XXVIII-VNS in Herceg Novi (Montenegro)

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk on the EURO Mini Conference XXVIII on Variable Neighbourhood Search which takes place in Herceg Novi (Montenegro) 4-7 Oct 2012.

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk on the conference MIC 2013 in Singapore

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk on the 10th Metaheuristics International Conference which takes place in Singapore 5-8 Aug 2013.

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk on the conference PPSN-2012 in Taormina, Italy

Panos Pardalos will make a keynote talk "Global equilibrium search algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems" on the 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature which takes place in Taormina, Italy 1-5 Sep 2012.

Coursera. Take the World's Best Courses, Online, For Free.

Coursera is a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. They envision a future where the top universities are educating not only thousands of students, but millions. Their technology enables the best professors to teach tens or hundreds of thousands of students. Through this, they hope to give everyone access to the world-class education that has so far been available only to a select few. They want to empower people with education that will improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the communities they live in.

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Network Analysis are published by Springer in the book "Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis"

Models, Algorithms, and Technologies for Network Analysis
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Network Analysis
Series:Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 32
Goldengorin, Boris; Kalyagin, Valery A.; Pardalos, Panos M. (Eds.)
2013, 2013, X, 236 p. 45 illus., 23 in color, ISBN 978-1-4614-5573-8

Researchers of our laboratory have participated in the VII-th Summer School AACIMP-2012 in Kyiv

Professor Boris Goldengorin and five researchers of our laboratory have participated in the VII-th Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics" (AACIMP-2012).

A new book by Boris Goldengorin and Panos M. Pardalos "Data Correcting Approaches in Combinatorial Optimization"

Springer publishes a new book by Boris Goldengorin and Panos M. Pardalos "Data Correcting Approaches in Combinatorial Optimization". Release is scheduled for September 2012.

Successful defence of Dmitry Krushinsky's PhD thesis supervised by Dr. Goldengorin

12 July 2012 Dmitry Krushisky successfully defended his PhD thesis supervised by professor Boris Goldengorin. Subject: "Optimality, flexibility and efficiency for cell formation in group technology".

Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada awarded Professor Panos Pardalos a Honorary Doctor of Science degree

We congratulate Professor Pardalos with this Award!