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On April 10 Guillermo Owen (USA) gave a lecture on Game Theory at the laboratory seminar

He gave a general introduction to the theory of games, explained how it got this name, and  gave a description of the first such problems considered.  He discussed the several types of problems considered in this theory. 

Illustration for news: The next laboratory seminar will take place on Friday, April 17 in the scope of 8th International IT Forum Informational Technology and Systems Congress

The next laboratory seminar will take place on Friday, April 17 in the scope of 8th International IT Forum Informational Technology and Systems Congress

Address: Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

Yandex Co. awarded Alexander Ponomarenko, the researcher of LATNA lab., a scholarship named after Ilya Segalovich

To get more information about the scholarship, please reffer http://tjournal.ru/paper/segalovich-scholarship

LATNA lab. have got a grant of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

As a result of the competition of year 2015, the application "The application of robust procedures to the analysis of the structural characteristics of stock markets" of LATNA lab. was supported.
The grant is managed by Professor Valery A. Kalyagin

Scientific Advisor of the LATNA lab., Professor Panos M. Pardalos will give an honorary lecture on «Dynamics of Financial Networks» at the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development

In recent years, network theory has been used to analyze many large data-sets that can be represented as a graph. In particular financial networks can be used to understand the dynamics of the market and the effects of globalization. In this talk we are going to discuss results of network optimization approaches to analyze the dynamics of the USA  the BRIC stock markets.

LATNA lab. and Yandex company orginize a seminar "Application of the optimization and search problems in networks (on graphs)"

The seminar will take place in Nizhny Novgorod, in the office of Yandex Co. (M. "Park Kultury"). The seminar will start at 11a.m. on April 6.

On April, 2 the Head of LATNA lab. Professor Valery A. Kalyagin will give a lecture "Statistical problems of the identification of network structures" at the Colloquium of HSE's Faculty of Computer Science in Moscow

Colloquium meeting is held at the Faculty of Computer Science building in Moscow at 3 Kochnovsky Proezd, lecture hall Descartes on floor 3.

LATNA lab. invites graduate, master and Ph.D. students as well as junior researchers to take part in The Summer School on Operational Research and Applications that takes place on May 12 – 16, 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The main topics of the school are related to clustering and search techniques in large scale networks. The school is hosted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod. The registration is open until April 28, 2015

13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization will take place on 8-10th July 2015 at the University of Edinburgh (UK)

Abstracts (max one page *.pdf) should be submitted to EUROPT15@maths.ed.ac.uk by March 27 2015.

'My Nickname at School Was 'Professor'. I Had to Live up to It'

Why do people become researchers and pursue careers in science? What is more important for them – self-fulfillment or financial incentives? On the day before Russia celebrated Science Day on Feb 8, HSE’s news service talked to researchers working at HSE about what motivated them to become scientists.