Junior Research Fellow Alexander Ponomarenko got a scholarship
Alexander Ponomarenko has been awarded a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
Leading Research Fellow Malyshev Dmitriy Sergeevich gave the talk
Malyshev Dmitriy Sergeevich gave the talk "Critical hereditary classes of graphs" at the Colloquium of HSE's Faculty of Computer Science
Publication of Savchenko A. V.
A monograph by the senior researcher of the Laboratory Savchenko A.V. has been released by Springer publishing company.
Research Assistant Alexey Nikolayev got a scholarship
Congratulations Alexey Nikolaev on the award of scholarships named after Ilya Segalovich
Junior Research Fellow Ponomarenko Alexander got IBM PhD Fellowship
Congratulations Ponomarenko A.A. with a victory in the competition IBM best graduate students in computer science and awarding IBM PhD Fellowship!
Congratulations Savchenko Andrey
Congratulations Savchenko Andrey on successful defense of the doctoral thesis "Methods of classification of audiovisual information based on segment by segment analysis of homogeneity"
The leading laboratory researcher Dmitry Malyshev was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The leading laboratory researcher Dmitry Malyshev was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of mathematics for the series of works "Critical hereditary graph classes"
LATNA lab. invites last-year bachelor, master and PhD students to participate the International Workshop on Clustering and Search techniques for large scale networks
The Workshop will take place on October 23 – 25, 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Workshop registration is open until October 20, 2015. Students very welcome to present their recent research results related to the worshop topics.
Regular laboratory seminars were resumed this academic year
All are invited for participation! Please follow the announcements provided on our website.