Совместное издание нижегородской Вышки и университетов Италии
В итальянском издательстве RIREA вышел первый выпуск альманаха «History of Accounting, Business Administration Doctrines and Development of New Methods of Management in Italy and in Russia».
![]() | В итальянском издательстве RIREA вышел первый выпуск альманаха «History of Accounting, Business Administration Doctrines and Development of New Methods of Management in Italy and in Russia». Он включает в себя труды конференции «Management and Control Systems in European and Russian Companies», прошедшей 16-17 сентября 2008 года в нижегородской Вышке. В конференции приняли участие представители итальянских университетов Флоренции и Витербо. |
![]() | SERGIO TERZANI Full Professor, Department of Business Sciences, University of Florence |
This book represents one more tangible result of our cooperation with the Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Higher School of Economics (Russia) which even if not very long still led to interesting and promising results. The Conference “Management and Control Systems in European and Russian Companies” held at Nizhny Novgorod on the 16-17th of September became a proof of our serious intention to carry on and to enlarge this cooperation.
In comparison to the last year, when we met for the first time at Florence, many things changed. We involved other colleagues to our cooperation, the contributions became more versatile and embrace a broader circle of problems: public sector, finance, corporate social responsibility, human resource management, strategic planning, international standards of financial reporting. The only things that remained the same are the high scientific level of reports and articles, and the growing desire to grow and cooperate together. One more time our Russian colleagues gave us the opportunity to know different aspects of their new economic reality (inside the lecture room) and to see a beautiful and unforgettable city of Nizhny Novgorod (out of it).
I would like to thank all the participants of this Workshop, rich of new results, plans and ideas, for their scientific contributions and their attention to this initiative. I’m very glad that even in such a difficult time we find the energy, time and means to organize these events and to promote our cooperation. My special recognition goes to Prof. Nikolay Petrukhin, the Director of HSE of Nizhny Novgorod, as well as to Prof. Marcella Mulazzani, Prof. Maurizio Masi and Dr. Pavel Malyzhenkov for their enthusiasm, strength and will to develop this cooperation and expand it in the future.
![]() | NIKOLAY PETRUKHIN Full Professor, Academic Supervisor Higher School of Economics in Nizhni Novgorod |
On 16-17 September, 2008, the State University - Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod hosted conference “Management and Control Systems in European and Russian Companies” organized in cooperation with University of Florence.
Collaboration of two universities started in 2006. In a year the first Workshop was held in Florence where Italian and Russian colleagues examined various aspects of company activities. And in 2008, it was an honor for the HSE to welcome this scientific event. Several sections were organized: namely “Problems of organization, accounting and management in private, state and municipal bodies” (Chief: Prof. Larisa Makarova), “Strategic aspects of companies activities, planning and control” (Chief: Prof. Ludmila Sviridova), “Management of corporate finance” (Chief: Prof. Alexey Makarov), “Information decision support systems” (Chief: Prof. Valery Kalyagin), “Management of innovation processes” (Chief: Prof. Alexander Tsarkov). The conference became the place where specialists in economics, management, information technologies discuss up-to-date theoretical and practical issues, exchange with their knowledge and stimulate the generation of novel ideas.
When working on conference organization, I felt a strong support from Italian colleagues, first of all the conference co-chairman Prof. Sergio Terzani. We highly appreciate the efforts of Prof. Gianfranсo Cavazzoni, Prof. Maurizio Masi, Prof. Marcella Mulazzani, Dr. Simone Terzani, Prof. Gennady Yakshin, Dr. Oleg Poldin and Dr. Pavel Malyzhenkov. We are grateful to all conference participants from Russian and Italian universities and companies for their intellectual investment.
The work we do has all the chances to continue in future and produce new results for the benefit of science and business.
![]() | Павел Малыженков, координатор связей НФ ГУ-ВШЭ с университетами Италии: - Выход альманаха – еще один важный результат нашего сотрудничества. Это событие не могло произойти без участия и поддержки как с российской, так и с итальянской стороны. Особой благодарности заслуживает ответственный редактор издательства RIREA Джованна Нобиле за те усилия и внимание, с которыми она отнеслась к работе над сборником. Альманах планируется выпускать периодически, он будет содержать как материалы работы совместных конференций, так и отдельные труды итальянских и российских коллег. |