CTAM 2022 in Vladivostok
About participation in conferences
Participance in 8th Europian Congress of Mathematics
A staff fellow of IL DSA and Department of Fundamental Mathematics took part in 8th Europian Congress of Mathematics.
A trip to a conference "Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people"
At the end of the April of 2021 the staff of the international laboratory DSA and students of the Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science took part in the conference in Saratov.
The Laboratory DSA and Department of Fundamental Mathematics NRU HSE invite to the student workshop
The Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics and the International Laboratory of Dynamical Systems and Applications invite students who are interested in studying of various branches of mathematical science to participate in the student workshop “Mathematical Spring - 2020. Invitation to Dynamical Systems”.

The talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzuki
At the laboratory of topological methods in dynamics, on October 17, the talks by Italian professors Valter Moretti and Sonya Mazzucchi were successfully held.

Lecture course on bifurcation theory
An intensive course of lectures by Professor Dmitry Turaev in English was held on the Nizhny Novgorod campus.

Conference "Dynamics in Syberia"
Staff of the Fundamental Mathematics Department and Laboratory of Topology Methods in Dynamics took part in the conference «Dynamics in Siberia»

Cooperation with the University of Trento (Italy)
Ivan D. Remizov, a Senior Researcher of the laboratory of TMD, made a scientific visit to Trento city (Italy) at the invitation from Professor Sonia Mazzucchi