Comparativistics in Linguistics: from Basics to Details
Alexei Kassian, famous linguist and senior research fellow of the RAS Institute of Linguistics, and someone whose name is associated with fascinating discoveries in the field of comparative-historical language studies, visited HSE University to give students in linguistics a lecture on the subtleties of phylogenetic analysis, computer tools, and the reconstruction of ancient languages.

Theatre and Literary Critic Andrea Heinz Visits HSE University in Nizhny Novgorod
On October 1st, 2019 a meeting with theatre and literary critic Andrea Heinz was held at the Austrian library. The event was part of the ‘Drama-talk’ project, organized within the Year of Literature and Culture of Austria in Russia. Students of Minin University, Nizhny Novgorod Dobrolyubov State Linguistic University and HSE University took part in the event.
Strengthening Friendship with the Republic of Korea
On June 19, Mr. Yeom Tae-young, mayor of Suwon (the Republic of Korea), visitedHigher School of Economics-Nizhny Novgorod in order to discuss with its director Valery Zusman possible cooperation between Suwon universities and HSE-Nizhny Novgorod.

Company Visits in GB Programme: DHL Hub
During the last company this year visit Global Business students paid a visit to the DHL branch in Bergamo, Italy. As usual we asked one of our students to share their thoughts afterwards.
South Korea Day in Higher School of Economics-Nizhny Novgorod
On January 19 South Korea Day was held at Higher School of Economics-Nizhny Novgorod. Attaché for education of Southern Korean embassy in the Russian Federation Mr. Chon Chan Yoon was the honorable guest of the event.
Mega Events and Nizhny Novgorod after World Cup 2018
On November 29th, 2016, a panel talk on ‘Tourism Marketing & Mega Events’ by Luiz Moutinho, a leading expert in marketing, the founder of FutureCast Lab - the laboratory for marketing forecasting, and Professor of BioMarketing and Futures Research at Dublin City University Business School, was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod.
World Expert on Digital and Mobile Marketing Trends
Luiz Moutinho, a leading expert in marketing, the founder of FutureCast Lab - the laboratory for marketing forecasting, and Professor of BioMarketing and Futures Research at Dublin City University Business School, delivered a lecture on ‘Digital and Mobile Marketing Trends’ for students of the master’s programmes in Marketing and Global Business.
Life with Passion from Roberto Klabin
HSE Nizhny Novgorod traditionally starts the first day of the new academic year with an interesting lecture for first-year students. This time, the lecture format was unusual. Roberto Klabin, Harvard Business School graduate, one of the richest men in Brazil, managing owner of Caiman Ecological Refuge, delivered a presentation entitled ‘Pantanal. A Love Story’.
Science Reflected in Literature
Dr. Elmar Schenkel is a Professor at the Institute of English Studies, University of Leipzig. He visited HSE in Nizhny Novgorod in early April at the invitation of the Faculty of Humanities. He has talked to the HSE Look about his research interests and collaboration with HSE.
Studying Mathematics Opens Up Doors to Any Opportunities
British Professor Sebastian Van Strien, who has come to Nizhny Novgorod HSE on a tutor exchange programme, is confident that this is the case. Professor van Strien is leading a research seminar for students studying mathematics.